Common cold is a widespread and highly contagious viral infection affecting the upper respiratory tract. This article serves as a guide for the public to understand the essential aspects of the common cold. It is organized into key sections, beginning with an introduction to the common cold and its causes. The article then discusses the various strains of viruses that cause colds and the risk factors that increase susceptibility to the illness. The prevalence of the common cold is explored, highlighting its frequent occurrence. Signs and symptoms are detailed to help readers recognize the illness, followed by an explanation of how the cold spreads. The diagnosis section covers methods used to identify the infection, while pathophysiology explains how the virus affects the body. Treatment options, including over-the-counter medications and home remedies, are outlined. Preventive measures, such as good hygiene practices and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, are also discussed. All information is presented in simple terms to ensure it is understandable for all readers. This article is part of the “Public Education Series” initiative of Exon Publications.

Common Cold
Exon Publications, Brisbane, Australia


Published: 2024-07-15