Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining that affects millions of people worldwide. This article provides an overview of gastritis, aimed at the general public, patients, and their loved ones. It is organized into several key sections, starting with an introduction to what gastritis is and its risk factors. It then explores the epidemiology of gastritis, detailing how widespread the condition is and which populations are most affected. The causes and symptoms of gastritis are discussed next, providing insight into what leads to this condition and how it manifests. The pathophysiology section explains the biological mechanisms behind gastritis, while the complications section highlights potential risks if the condition is not managed properly. The article also covers diagnosis methods and various treatment options available. Finally, the prognosis section gives an outlook on recovery and management. Throughout the article, medical terms and concepts are explained in simple terms to ensure the information is understandable for all readers. This is part of the “Public Education Series” initiative of Exon Publications.

Exon Publications, Brisbane, Australia


Published: 2024-07-07