Diabetic Nephropathy: Public Education

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Exon Publications


Diabetic Nephropathy is a serious complication of diabetes that affects the kidneys. It is a leading cause of chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease worldwide. This article aims to provide information about Diabetic Nephropathy, serving as a resource for patients, their loved ones, and the public. The article covers the risk factors, epidemiology, causes, symptoms, pathophysiology, complications, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of Diabetic Nephropathy. Written in simple terms, this article is designed to be accessible to all readers, helping them understand and manage Diabetic Nephropathy effectively.

Cite as: Diabetic Nephropathy: Public Education. Brisbane (AU): Exon Publications; 2024. Published on 19 Jul.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36255/diabetic-nephropathy-public-education


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