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Toshiyuki Araki, MD, PhD

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal, progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by motor neuron cell death in the brain and spinal cord. The typical disease symptom is the rapid loss of muscle control, which eventually leads to the complete paralysis of voluntary muscles of the entire body. While there are some treatments to help manage symptoms, there is no curative treatment for ALS. The rarity of the disease and the difficulties in accurate early diagnosis are the major challenges in the proper understanding of the disease and the development of curative therapy. This book brings together a team of experts, both clinicians and basic scientists, to provide a comprehensive understanding of ALS, challenges, and approaches to combat this devastating disease. There are eight chapters in the book. The first chapter provides a comprehensive review of the clinical manifestation and management of ALS. It discusses the clinical subtypes and the importance of recognition of these subtypes for better prognosis. The pathological features and the management of the disease are also discussed. Early diagnosis of ALS is vital to initiate effective therapies, and diagnostic delay––which can be more than a year from symptom onset––is a major challenge because ALS mimics other neurological disorders. Chapter 2 addresses time to diagnosis, various factors affecting diagnostic delay, and potential interventions to decrease time to diagnosis of ALS. CONTINUE READING.....


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