Waldemar Debinski, MD, PhD, is Tom and Laura Hearn Professor for the Brain Tumor Center of Excellence (BTCOE), Director of the BTCOE and Leader of the Neuro-Oncology Program at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center Comprehensive Cancer Center, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA. He graduated from Warsaw Academy of Medicine (Warsaw, Poland) and McGill University (Montreal, Canada) with MD and PhD degrees, respectively. He did a post- PhD training at the National Cancer Institute (Bethesda, MD, USA). Dr. Debinski is the author or co-author of >160 peer reviewed publications and an inventor on 27 patents. He has been primarily interested in potential clinical applications of medical research and thus in its translational side. Dr. Debinski has extensive experience in successful discovery of targets specific to cancer, their pathophysiological role in cancer, and rational engineering of targeted recombinant proteins including chimera and conjugated proteins, and peptides. He has a particular interest in loco-regional delivery of drugs to brain tumors and in faithful large animal models of the disease. His work has been a substrate for numerous translational applications, many being tested in the clinic. Dr. Debinski’s research has been continuously supported by federal, provincial, institutional, or private funding sources for the past 25 years.