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Leukemia - An Overview

Leukemia is a type of cancer that affects the blood and bone marrow, characterized by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal white blood cells. This article serves as a guide for the public, patients, and their loved ones to understand leukemia. It is organized into key sections, beginning with an introduction to leukemia and its various types. It then explores the risk factors and epidemiology of leukemia, highlighting its prevalence and distribution. The causes and symptoms section provides insight into what leads to leukemia and how it manifests. Pathophysiology explains the biological mechanisms behind leukemia, while complications discuss the potential risks if the disease is not treated properly. The diagnosis section covers various methods used to detect leukemia, followed by detailed treatment options, including chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and stem cell transplants. The prognosis section discusses potential outcomes and long-term management strategies. The article concludes with a summary emphasizing the importance of understanding leukemia for effective management. All information is presented in simple terms to ensure it is understandable for all readers.

Leukemia - An Overview
Exon Publications. Brisbane, Australia

Published: 2024-06-30

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